Configuring ESM Archive

When run from either the command line or in library mode (note not as an ESM Plugin), esm_archiving can be configured to how it looks for specific files. The configuration file is called esm_archiving_config, should be written in YAML, and have the following format:

echam:  # The model name
    archive: # archive seperator **required**
        # Frequency specification (how often
        # a datestamp is generated to look for)
        frequency: "1M"
        # Date format specification
        date_format: "%Y%m"

By default, esm_archive looks in the following locations:

  1. Current working directory
  2. Any files in the XDG Standard:

If nothing is found, the program reverts to the hard-coded defaults, found in esm_archiving/esm_archiving/


In future, it might be changed that the program will look for an experiment specific configuration based upon the path it is given during the create or upload step.

Generating a configuration

You can use the command line switches --write_local_config and --write_config to generate configuration files either in the current working directory, or in the global directory for your user account defined by the XDG standard (typically ~/.config/esm_archiving):

$ esm_archive --write_local_config
Writing local (experiment) configuration...

$ esm_archive --write_config
Writing global (user) configuration...