
This section describes the usage of the esm_archiving tool. It can be used from the command line, from other Python scripts, or as a plugin for the ESM Infrastructure.

Command Line Interface

After installation, you have a new command in your path:


Passing in the argument --help will show available subcommands:

Usage: esm_archive [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Console script for esm_archiving.

  --version             Show the version and exit.
  --write_local_config  Write a local configuration YAML file in the current
                        working directory
  --write_config        Write a global configuration YAML file in
  --help                Show this message and exit.


To use the tool, you can first create a tar archive and then use upload to put it onto the tape server.

Creating tarballs

Use esm_archive create to generate tar files from an experiment:

esm_archive create /path/to/top/of/experiment start_date end_date

The arguments start_date and end_date should take the form YYYY-MM-DD. A complete example would be:

esm_archive create /work/ab0246/a270077/from_ba0989/AWICM/LGM_6hours 1850-01-01 1851-01-01

The archiving tool will automatically pack up all files it finds matching these dates in the outdata and restart directories and generate logs in the top of the experiment folder. Note that the final date (1851-01-1 in this example) is not included. During packing, you get a progress bar indicating when the tarball is finished.

Please be aware that are size limits in place on DKRZ’s tape server. Any tar files larger than 500 Gb will be trucated. For more information, see:

Uploading tarballs

A second command esm_archive upload allows you to put tarballs onto to tape server at DKRZ:

esm_archive upload /path/to/top/of/experiment start_date end_date

The signature is the same as for the create subcommand. Note that for this to work; you need to have a properly configured .netrc file in your home directory:

$ cat ~/.netrc
machine login a270077 password OMITTED

This file needs to be readable/writable only for you, e.g. chmod 600. The archiving program will then be able to automatically log into the tape server and upload the tarballs. Again, more information about logging onto the tape server without password authentication can be found here:

Library Usage

To use ESM Archiving in a project:

import esm_archiving

This gives you a few functions you can integrate into your Python programs. They are documented in the API. Perhaps immediately useful are:

  • get_files_for_date_range
  • sum_tar_lists
  • split_list_due_to_size_limit
  • pack_tarfile
  • archive_mistral

Plugin to ESM Runs


This functionality is still under construction

The library described above can also be used as a plug-in to automatically generate and upload tarballs as the simulation runs. Still under construction…